Monday, January 25, 2010


Mommy: Cooper, did you bite your friends?
Cooper: Din-Da-Saur bite
Mommy: Did Cooper bite?
Cooper: No bite Din-Da-Saur
Mommy: Cooper no bite either
Cooper: Smile

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I was picking Sam up to go to the dentist and peeked in Cooper's room. Let's see the teacher was holding his hand and down at his level pointing her finger. One of the other teachers walked out and I asked if Cooper was biting - we have been struggling with that.

She said:
"No, he was just being a bully as usual".

Love my Cooper!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

He's Just Not That Smart

Sam: Santa is smart enough, but he's just not that smart. He didn't get me a Tonka Bike.

(really he did, but it is in Daddy's trunk - oops)

Trip To The Children's Musuem

Friday, January 08, 2010

Meeska Mooska!

Thanks Great Grandma!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

My Time as a SAHM - Complete

Well, my bout as a stay at home Mom is done. And I think it is bittersweet for all of us. Okay maybe for me and Sam. Cooper, probably more bitter. I am pretty sure this is the first time I have took a week off just to be home with both boys. Most working Mom's know, the first year or so of life you have to save your time off for sick kiddos. That is getting better, so I was able to do this. My vacation started on 12/24/09 and finished today. I survived and so did they! I also drank a lot more water than I have been and they watched a lot more tv than they have. Dave also got spoiled by coming home to a cooked dinner.

We also spent time with G&G Ciarrocchi who came down for their annual Christmas visit. We were also joined by Tulsa's first blizzard during that time too.

We took a trip to the mall, which was a success! I didn't even bring the double stroller and Sam did awesome. Cooper did too, well except for when I tried to get him to try shoes on with an empty stomach. We ventured to the food court after that and both boys sat unassisted (meaning no highchairs) and ate their lunch. Wow.

We also met Daddy for lunch at Ollie's. Ollie's is a restaurant that has a train theme. So the boys enjoyed that. Cooper loved saying "chug a chug a chug a choo choo." Daddy goes their for lunch at LEAST 2 times a week. So he was treated like a regular. The boys had a cinnamon roll and shared a few bites. OMG - YUMM-O.

We spent one day at home because Sam wasn't feeling well. Took him to the doctor (couldn't not go on my time off) and they are starting him on medicine for asthma. They said it should be temporary! Let's hope.

After that recovery Daddy took the day off with us on New Year's Eve. I gave into the hype and watched the first of the Twilight movies for New Year's Eve - I know wild and crazy!!

The only disappointment was our trip to Build a Bear Workshop on Friday. That was something I had been looking forward to doing the entire time I was off. It was definitely more for me! I don't think the boys have touched their Fireman Bears since we got home :). Oh well.

Pretty much since then we have all just been hanging out. Very fun! I thought by the end of this time off I would be ready to go back to work. Not so much. I mean, I am not going to go and quit my job, but I truly enjoyed my time. Sam has amazed me with how helpful he is and Cooper has really taken to being a "Mommy's Boy."

Well, guess I will go hang out with the boys. Happy New Year!!