Sunday, April 25, 2010

Soocer Season Number One

In a nutshell - Sam had a ton of fun. He loved his Coach and enjoyed going and running. Sam is so sweet natured that he had trouble kicking the ball. Why? Because "Mommy I don't want to kick the ball away from them, they may cry." So sweet!!!
I also learned even at 3 year old soccer, you already have crazy sport parents! Sometimes the games got a little intense.
Our team of 3-year olds got creamed got each time! You don't keep score at these games, but believe me - we got creamed :o).
By far, his favorite part of the season - the team party at the park! We are going to wait a little while before we do another sports activity - but can't wait for it!!!! So proud of my Sam!

Some of My Favorite Cooper Phrases

Go in Time Out Sam!

O-Tay Mommy.

Okay, I be right there.

I wuv you mommy.

Group hug.

Alright Mommy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cooper's 2 Year Stats

Weight: 33.6 pounds - 94%
Height: 35.5 inches - 76%

He had a good appointment. The doctor gave us some advise on biting, which was he knows he can get away with it at school. UGH! We have to catch him the act at home - and hope that is brother will tell us he did it :o).

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thursday, April 01, 2010

The Beautiful is Gone

Our flowers are dead, the babies ruined them. The beautiful is gone.

This was what Sam told one of his teachers about the flowers the class planted on the playground.

Later that day that teacher told another teacher about the conversation. She let her know that the baby that ruined them was his brother.
