Sunday, April 29, 2007
Puffs & Cheerios oh and a Few Orange Veggies
Suddenly, all Samuel wants to eat are sweet potatoes, puffs, cheerios and carrots. Not sure what happen there. His Daddy then informs that all he would eat was pb&j and hot dogs.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
9 Months Old!
9 months old and you woke up with a rash, runny nose and cough :o). But we are pros now, so all should be fine. Started the breathing treatments today. Your rash is eczema at least that is what the doctor said on Monday. The above picture was at the request of your great grandma. She said when you turned 9 months old she wanted a picture of you in your diaper....sorry about the rash. But as I took the pictures it hit me, you are getting bigger! I mean like taller and really mobile. I can only be thankful that I have probably took a picture everyday of your life so far, so when I miss something I can just look back. But that still doesn't make it better, I can't help but miss the times when you would just let me hold you and didn't care to play or roll.
You aren't crawling yet, which what I have been told his a good thing but you are still rolling. As I see it, why crawl when you can roll. You LOVE gerber puffs. We can not even give them to you before you have your real "food" because you won't eat your real "food". You laugh all the time, what is the current thing that makes you crack up. Mommy yawning. And, actually I do that a lot. This week I started to teach you sign language. Only one word right now, "more". I chose "more" because you think the way you say "more" is to scream at me and open your mouth. So I do the sign for more and say it. Tonight you started smiling when I did it so I think you may get it. We are going to take a class. Your Aunt Jode thinks I am crazy, ok I am a little crazy. But maybe you can meet some friends and you and the other babies can quietly sign together while me and the Mommies exchange stories and drink coffee. Ok, I think we can agree with Aunt Jode. I am crazy.
You are doing wonderful with your helmet. I can see improvement so I don't think you will be in it too long. You look super cute in it. And is actually kind of useful. Like when you roll on the tile or dive head first off of your dad's lap.
When you aren't eating puffs, you are still eating stage 2 foods. You aren't really into stage 3 (they really are kind of yucky). You also eat a little of what we have for dinner. Like pork or pancakes. Tonight we had nachos and you didn't have any. According to the paper from doctor you can't have chips until you are 1 year old.
It is hard to believe that in just 3 months you will be one. I really need to get started on planning that party :o).
We love you SOOOOO much. You would not believe how much you alone can make Mommy and Daddy so happy. We even fight over who gets to hold you :o).
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Easter Weekend
Samuel had a great first Easter! He got to visit Grandma and Grandpa Ciarrocchi and he got to meet his Great Grandma and Pops from Florida, his cousins Kala, Alena and Drew, and Uncle Andy and Aunt Jode. We all had a great time. Here are a few pictures...
Friday, April 06, 2007
I Shall Leave You With A Pancake
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Helmet Break
We are all adjusting to helmet life. Samuel only got us to take off one night..and that is because he wouldn't stop screaming. The second I took it off he was asleep. He gets an hour a day that we take it off to wash it. He went to OKC with Dad today for an adjustment already. Apparently his head grew since last week so they had to shave some parts on the helmet. It was rubbing his skin. I think his head already looks better! Today at daycare Samuel had a great time falling backwards and hitting his head on the floor. They said he laughed so hard every time he did it. Oh Samuel....anything to make the ladies laugh.
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