Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today Samuel's school paper said - we started practicing for the Christmas Program.

I am excited and intrigued at the same time. How do you get a bunch of 2 year-olds to be in a Christmas Program? While the concept sounds cute, I just don't see it happening. But I am not going to say a 2 year old hasn't surprised me before.

Coincidentally, Dave's Christmas stocking arrived today. I decided that we all needed a matching set. I am still waiting for mine and Cooper's to arrive so our set can be complete (of course Samuel already had one). All this Christmas in one day made me do the unthinkable, I am playing Christmas songs before Thanksgiving. Driving Dave crazy :o).


Unknown said...

Oh No you De-ent!!!!!!!!

Jen said...

Christmas music already? Sounds a little crazy...but I think I might just join you. I LOVE my Christmas Kenny G cd...and I never do get enough of it in December!
I bet the Christmas program is going to be adorable!!

Elizabeth said...

can't wait to see the stockings! How did you prinetd blog turn out? We're thinking about doing one too.