Monday, July 25, 2011

3 month update!

I should really come around here more than every 3 months. After all, the hope is that one day my boys will read this and know all about their childhood. I figure between this and the ridiculous amount of pictures I take, we will have it covered. But a picture, while worth a 1,000 words, can't replace the words. And I find myself at a loss to even put words out here sometimes. Maybe it's because I have two very active boys that love my attention. And when they go to bed at night, I want to have some me time. Selfish? No! Needed? Yes! But Dave keeps telling me to update this blog, and I keep telling him I'm going to retire it. He still wins.

Cooper is 3 and still has a mind of his own! He must do everything himself and will even go the extent of recreating a scenario, just so he can do it himself. Example, this morning he wanted to get me my umbrella and his brother got it first. He took that umbrella and put it back where it was and then got it for me. He does this often, with drinks, his b's (blanket), toys and pretty much anything else he decided to do himself. His famous words are "I don't need help!" I actually love this about him! He's very independent. I just wish the independence shared a few more hugs and kisses. They say kids are different, and in the aspect they really are. I have to tell him I'll wipe the kiss of just to get one! And hugs, I steal those. I don't really wipe the kisses off and never give his hugs back either. He loves going to school and has some good friends already. Cali and Brock are his bff's. We call them the 3 amigos. We go dancing and to the water park with them often. They are so cute together! And, to me this is weird. But I have a 3 year old that is obsessed with mustard!! I love this boy more and more everyday!

Sam is a very grown 5 year old, that still (Thank GOD!) needs his Mommy :o). This summer he has had some firsts, that to me keep reminding me that he's growing up. He went to Church Camp (it wasn't overnight - but it was every night for a wee) and loved it. He showed a lot more confidence than I had ever seen. He is swimming and is going to start playing soccer next month. He's also going to start kindergarten next month. OMG!! Sam enjoys his role as a big brother, and I see him setting a good example for his brother. I don't have to wipe off kisses or steal hugs from him. And he seems to know when I need one too! Sam, does not like mustard. He loves ketchup and ranch (mixed together).

We have gone on a few trips. One was a weekend trip to Dallas so I could get my In and Out Burger fix and then we also went on a real family vacation. We spent a full week together along with my sister and her family and my parents. AWESOME is all I can say. I want the boys to have these memories. They had a blast swimming and eating chips whenever they wanted (that was my mistake, I said on vacation you can eat chips whenever and they took that literally - I actually did too).

I'm going to try and stop by more often. I'll post some pictures soon!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


As we are seated a local Pub:
"Where's the drink menu?"

To-Go Bag:
Mommy: Sam go up to the counter and ask them for a to-go bag.
Sam: You need to two bags Mommy?
M: No, just just one.
S: But you said two go bags. But you want one go bag.
M: No I need one TO-go bag.
S (at the counter): Can I have a one go bag?

M: We are going to take pictures of you cousins Ricky and Justin before prom. Lindsay will have on a pretty dress and Justin is bringing a date too!
S: What's it's name? Because it's never been at Aunt Terri's before.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Grills - Girls
He - He or She
I want Daddy - Mommy made me mad
I want Mommy - Daddy made me mad
Him - Him or Her
You're not nice {insert name} - I didn't get my way

I have a feeling 3 is going to be an interesting year for us!

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Goose and Maverick

Should I be Concerned??

I can't seem to keep the SI Swimsuit Edition away from Sam. It's gotten so bad that I have had to tell Dave to hide it...

This is the picture he keeps turning to -

True Story. The end.

Cooper's First Trip to the Dentist

I was unsure how this would go but he did awesome! He wasn't sure what to think about the big chair, but Big Brother bravely stepped up and showed him how it was done! In fact Big Brother wanted his teeth cleaned again. We didn't see him get his teeth cleaned the first time because, sniff sniff, he didn't need me to go back with him!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

All in One Breath...

Why do we have toenails? Does Dr. Sood make us have toenails? Is God a puppy? I think God is a puppy?

-Sam Williams

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

As a Mom of Two Boys I've Learned..

That I'm asking for trouble if don't buy two of everything....

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sleeping with Bubba

Sometimes Sam thinks it's a good idea if he shares the bed with his brother. Cooper on the other hand is never a big fan of the idea. Note Cooper sleeping as close to the wall and as far from Sam as possible.
Despite the bed sharing these boys are still the best of friends. I'm always a little proud of their brotherly bond, especially when we will be out playing and they still choose to play with each other first! I hope they will always be the best of friends.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

To the sun, the moon, the ground and back.

That's how special Sam thinks his teacher is.

I'm thankful, I mean truly thankful that Sam has an awesome teacher. I think she is pretty great too.

But, I'm jealous too.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cooper's Potty Funnies

Funny #1:
Siting on the potty playing is harmonica.

Funny #2:
Singing "Potty get out of my tummmmy, potty get out of my tummmmmy"

Funny #3:
This one not so funny - but stubborn. Standing there trying go standing up like big brother for 15 minutes. Within 5 seconds of finally sitting, he goes.

Cooper is my stubborn, independent child! Wouldn't want him any other way!

Sunday, January 09, 2011

They Have More Fiber Now..

So Apple Jacks have moved to the healthy list now.

The Joys of Kids..

All this within 15 minutes of being awake.

Coop Cool

He's so cool, it doesn't even matter that his fly is down.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Potty Training 201

I will admit Potty Training 101 was much easier. I wish I could have repeated the course, but apparently I passed. So, this one brings some challenges. But - there's no turning back now!

It all started on Wednesday. I received a phone call from Cooper's School. Expecting it to be your son has a fever, come pick him up. To my surprise it was Cooper! He called to tell me he went poop in the potty! I was so proud! And every cubicle around me was too (love the cubicle world). And now let me bring you to 5:00 PM, I pick up Cooper and he's in underwear! He ran out of pull-ups at school. So I decide, what the heck - LET'S DO THIS!

Wednesday was the last time Cooper wore a pull-up.

In Potty Training 101, you don't have much extra work. The kid does most of the work. Potty Training 201 - on the other hand. More work. And by more work I mean LAUNDRY. I think I have done 5 loads of laundry since then, mind you I'm working 10 hours a day. But it's okay, its worth it..because there's now turning back now.

Tonight we achieved a milestone.
Cooper: I have to go potty
And we ran to the bathroom and he went potty!


Sunday, January 02, 2011

The Crush...

Sam asked me to read his card from his teacher twice. And at the end of the second time he said:

"it said loooove!"
Huge smile included.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Mixed Emotions...

I was sad that Cooper fell off the chair and bumped his head...

I felt better because he wasn't very hurt...

I was beyond happy that I actually got to hold him for more than 10 seconds without him wanting to get down. Bonus, he even rested his head on my shoulder.

I don't want my babies to grow up!

2010...A Year In Review -Through My Camera

Mom started the year turning 33...
Grandparents visited..
Sam was in Elizabeth and Taylor's wedding..
Cooper turned 2!
Brotherly bond grew stronger than ever!
Sam played his first season of soccer..
More Love..
Kitchens were remodeled..

Numerous visits to the splash pad..
Went to the lake...
Ice Cream was had...
Sam turned 4!
Mommy and Cooper Dates..

Bumps were had..
Pancakes were ate for dinner..
Trips to the zoo..
Sam started Pre-K
There's the love again..
Camping in the backyard..

Sam did a jog-a-thon...
Fall trips to the Pumpkin Patch...

Watching Cousin Justin pay football!
Rooting for Huskers...
Buzz and Batman stopped by...
Mom took Family Pictures....

Fun visit with cousins!
Christmas fun!