I recently blogged about my success with bedtime and I am happy to say Samuel has continued to go to bed with out tears! BUT...............
We have a new challenge. Night time waking. Samuel now wakes up at least two times at night. He wakes up yelling for me and running in our room. I have tried making him a "bed" next to our bed and that isn't working. Nope, he wants to sleep in our bed. I have never been for or against this, but have you tried sleeping in a queen size bed with two adults and a two year old? Not comfortable! While I sleep and I think Samuel sleeps, Dave does not sleep. And the sleep I get is far from quality. We just want to sleep all night undisturbed. One of magazines recently did a poll on how much would you pay for a full night sleep. At this point it seems priceless to me. On top of the multiple night time wakings, he is also ready to start his day as early as 5:30 AM! I hate to sound selfish, but my alarm doesn't go off until 6:00 on the weekdays and isn't even set on the weekends--so 5:30 AM--no thanks.
I try to remind myself that he will only be little once and the reality is one day he will think he is too cool for Mommy, but then I think if we got more sleep we would have more fun. I wouldn't be too tired to do this or that,I would be awake and refreshed. Then I think is he doing this because he is at an age where he realizes that Mommy and Daddy go to work all day and he wants more of our time when we get home. So guess what this does? Good ol' guilt comes back. I like working and I choose to be a working Mom. Dave would support me if I wanted to stay home or work. I think sometimes I am a better Mom because I do work. But then I think am I making the wrong choice?
The joys of being a Mommy. Does the guilt ever go away???