Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Pumpkin Tradition

It never fails. Every year at the Pumpkin Patch, we along with all the other Mommies and Daddies are hoping for the most awesome Fall pictures. We all have our cameras in hand trying to get that perfect pose of our child/children with a pumpkin. You can tell that most kids are even dressed in pumpkin patch attire. Mine were, you just can't see it because they had to wear jackets. I didn't catch that perfect pose this year. In fact, I don't think I have ever caught that perfect pose. I wonder, whatever happen to going to the Pumpkin Patch to buy pumpkins? Children these days will never have to try to hard to keep a memory, I am sure their parents have a picture of it for them. I know I do.

With that being said, here is my "photo shoot"

Since You've Been Gone...

Oh wait, I have been gone. I wonder if I still have any followers. I sometimes consider stopping my blog, but that is just nonsense. I hope that one day my boys can pull this blog up and show their kids what they were like. So if it is sporadic at times, then it is.

Cooper was baptized last weekend, I am glad we survived the service. If it were anyone else's kids I would have smiled and thought awwwwww, sweet peas. But it was mine, and I thought I was going to pull my hair out. In the end we accomplished what we wanted. But not without a fight. The Pastor will normally hold the child in front of the Congregation, he opt'd out with Cooper. Hey, we warned him. That boy has independence and determination like you wouldn't believe. He will never let him tell anyone it can't be done. I admire him for that. Yes, I admire my one year old :o).

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Sam: Mommy, I want to be Santa for Halloween.
Mommy: But I already bought you Flash.
Sam: So, I changed my mind.

I believe Sam is obsessed with Christmas. Originally he wanted to be a snowman, but I changed his mind. Now, Santa.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Pretty Lucky!

Last weekend I was lucky enough to get away. Away = No kids, husband or work. All of which I enjoy, but a break is good.

Let's see, I slept in and watched what I wanted on TV. When I went out for dinner all I worried about was what I wanted to order and did not have to feed anyone else. I also discovered there is so much more at the mall then I remember and it reminded me why I love shopping. I walked on the beach and got some sun by the pool.

Best of all, I got to spend time with my Sister and Gramma (that is not a misspelling, she spells her name that way)!!

I recommend this for any Mom! But, warning when you get back reality sets in again and your kids are more worried about what you got them than seeing you.

I love my hectic life! For real!!!!!!

A Few Things You Should Know About Sam

Sam loves to make anyone laugh! The picture above demonstrates that.

We have real conversations. Heck, he probably knows more words than I do!

Whenever his brother is throwing a fit, he is quick to come to his defense. "His mouth probably hurts Mommy!"

He loves Target, I did good.

He understands that clothes that arrive on the front porch were ordered from the Internet.

He only likes to find the letter "S" when they hunt letters at school. However, yesterday he offered to find C.

A Few Things You Should Know About Cooper

Above, is Cooper's concentrating face. He does this when ever he is thinking. So, basically he does it often.

Cooper also for the longest time called every beverage juice, even milk. Now he calls every beverage milk, even juice.

Cooper always called me Daddy and Dave Daddy. Now he calls Me Mommy and Dave Mommy.

Funny kid!