Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Ok, I am a little sad. Not about the cereal because he has been eating cereal through his bottle since about 7 weeks. No, I am sad about the spoon! Before I know it he will be feeding himself! You can't wait for these milestones and they are all so exciting. But with every milestone your little one becomes just a little more independent. Just in the past few weeks Samuel has been doing so much and honestly it is happening so fast. Soon he won't need his Mommy anymore!!

Okay maybe I am being a little dramatic...

Random Cereal Pictures

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Camera Doesn't Lie

Ok, now that I take a picture and look at my tree I realize it is lacking something. I knew it still needed a star or something on top. But that isn't it. I am going to go to Target this weekend and get more decorations. I guess last weekend was just round 1 of decorating for Christmas. And I was going to tone it down this year.....HA.

Well I think I am done blogging for the night. A bowl of peppermint stick ice cream is calling my name.

Family Picture

Here is our family picture. We decided it was not "Christmasy" enough to go on our cards. The Christmas one they took of the family did NOT turn out.
I don't know why I like to post pictures that will surely embarrass Samuel one day. But I do! We had an appointment today so Samuel and I got the afternoon off. He is happily playing in his exersaucer and I am taking a moment to blog. We had a fun trip to Nebraska, though when did a 4 day trip start requiring so much "stuff"?? We had to set an hour aside just to pack up. Samuel loved talking and playing with his Grandma Carol and Papa Bill. We also got to visit one of Dave's friends from college Jackie and her daughter Meredith. Dave's parents are moving to Omaha so we looked at houses for them on Saturday with Amy, Mike and Olivia. Samuel decided this would be the perfect time to nap so we mainly stayed in the car.
I will post some pictures of the Christmas tree that, yes, is already up! But for now I need to tend to a bored baby.

Oh one more thing GO HUSKERS! We get to play OU this weekend. Dave's kegarator has been empty for about 2 weeks so I am pretty for certain he will be replacing the keg. Hopefully he has "beers" of joy!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Turkey Art!

Samuel's First Thanksgiving Turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving! Remember to eat until you can't button your pants! We are Nebraska bound. It took us about 2 hours to pack tonight, and I am sure we forgot something!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Fa La La La La La....

I love Christmas time! Deck the halls, tis the season, jingle bells-love it all. And I am already in the Christmas spirit. Apparently a heck of a lot of people are. Dave and I did our weekend ritual of driving around neighborhoods looking at houses. Visions of buying one danced in our head (I told you I love Christmas)....Ok but what I am getting at is people are already hanging up lights. Isn't that against the rules? Aren't you suppose to wait until after Thanksgiving? I want to go all out this year, I want a snow globe in my front yard. Of course you know what Dave thinks about that. I am not giving up though! I can't wait to decorate the tree. Forget my traditional red and silver tree this year. Nope I am doing all the colors no rhyme or reason just Christmas. I can't wait to see Samuel's face. I am also attempting a Christmas Letter this year to send with our Christmas cards. You know that it is not easy to write. I am SO not creative. I even "googled" how to write a christmas letter. Maybe I will let Samuel write it. Is all this talk about Christmas making anyone sick yet??? I know, I know lets get through Turkey Day..gobble gobble.

I also love my dear husband who will not get mad at me for posting another picture from Samuel's "photo shoot" this weekend......Doesn't he know me well enough to know that I don't ALWAYS listen.

P.S. Samuel helped me type this. I only had to hit backspace ten times.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Sneak Preview

Today was family picture day! All morning I was stressing because I figured A. he wouldn't smile (Dave not Samuel) or B. Samuel would cry. Dave did a half smile and Samuel had a blast. He is already a flirt so it didn't take much for the photographer to make him smile.
I am not "allowed" to post all the pictures, in fact I had to beg to post this one. But we are making our Christmas cards out of the family picture will see it soon enough. Christmas is just around the corner.

I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving. We are spending Thanksgiving in Nebraska this year. I am curious if after we pack the car there will be room for me!?!?

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Tomorrow we go to the doctor for Samuel's 4 month check up. And I am considering bringing this picture as proof that Samuel does do tummy time and enjoys it. Ok, so maybe the "enjoys" it is a bit of a fib....Ok a big fib. He hates it. I am not going to lie. This picture was about 10 seconds into tummy time. 45 seconds into tummy time I had a very unhappy lip quivering baby. So then I took him off tummy time. Only slightly spoiled. But for those of you that have babies who actually enjoy tummy time, I envy you.

Today is Rachella' birthday so I dedicate this post to her. Happy Birthday!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Oh My Goodness!

You Are 4 Months Old Today!

Your smile makes our day.
Your laugh is priceless.
Our world is that much better with you in it!

We love you buddy!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturday Morning

As you can see, we put Samuel's exersaucer together this morning. Oh the things you can do when you have been awake since 6:00 AM! What happen to sleeping in?

Samuel was actually pretty interested in his new toy, granted his feet don't touch the ground yet...but that will happen before we know it.

Next weekend, Johnny Jump! One toy a weekend.

Samuel's New Toy!

Cool Slideshows

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This Is A Good Thing

Not so surprising, Brittany and Kevin are getting divorced. I know they have 2 kids and that is sad. But that was one dysfunctional marriage. I should know, I was so involved (again courtesy of US Magazine).

Well to make things better, here is a picture of my sweet Samuel sleeping. I hate that he goes to bed so early. Lucky for me I get home from work around 4:30 so I still get ALMOST 2 hours. But Dave does not get home until 6:00 and he gets a half hour MAYBE. But I have polled other Moms and they tell me that as Samuel gets older he will be more interested with everything around and hopefully stay up longer! The Pediatrician said there is no such thing as too much sleep. I guess I should be thankful that even though he goes to bed at 6:30 he will usually sleep until 6:00 AM.
Oh I just saw a head pop up...and oh WOW he just let out a huge burp. The loudest burp I have heard. All better and back to sleep.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Check Out My New Hat

Things Samuel Will Love Me For One Day. Cool Hats.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Do You Mind???

I am trying to do tummy time.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


I like taking pictures of you with your Daddy. He is always so happy when holding you. It makes up for all the times Mommy frusterates him. Hee hee, that isn't often! But anyhow, look at your Daddy's big blue eyes in this picture. I don't think you will have those same eyes. Big eyes, yes. Blue eyes, no. I think you are going to have hazel (fancy for brown) eyes like your Mommy. And oh how that makes your Daddy mad! He SO wants you to have his blue eyes. Why you ask? Well becasue he thinks that is why your Mommy fell in love with him. Because of his big blue eyes. I thought it was the bald head.....

So anyhow my little Samuel, I wonder when we officially find out what color eyes you will have.

I have a quick vent about Oklahoma Laws. Tonight Daddy is out with the guys. I thought after you went to bed it would be nice to have a glass of wine and watch Grey's Anatomy. Well in Oklahoma you can only buy wine in a liquor store and no one under 21 is allowed in the liquor store. So as you can guess....I will not have my glass of wine. I am sorry, but it is a really stupid law. Okay, I am done venting now. I could have a beer (lord knows we have enough with that dumb kegarator in the kitchen) but it makes me feel bloated and gives me a headache.