Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thank You

Thank you for crawling up on the couch and then curling up on my lap last night to fall asleep. It made me feel so special! You cuddled! And you showed me that you still need me even though I can't do as much. Love you burger!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bed Rest

Can I just say this sucks? Okay, really I am trying to be positive about this after all this will probably be the last time in a lllllllllllllong time that I can to just do nothing. But the thought of doing nothing for the next 4 weeks (32 weeks today woo hoo) is just kind of terrifying.

On the contraction front I haven't had any consistent ones since Thursday night and drinking two bottles of water and taking my medicine stopped them. But those contractions put me on restriction from even going to daycare to pick Samuel up. I am sure all you Mom's out there can sympathize when someone tells you you can't do your normal Mom duties you can't help but feel helpless.

Dave is being WONDERFUL through all this. After all he has to leave work earlier and come home and do his part and my part of nightly duties on top of that make sure I am okay.

I know this is best for the baby, after all it is being home in bed or on the couch everyday or going to the hospital to visit him in the NICU everyday. This is the better option. Oh or them putting ME in the hospital for the next 3 weeks and then I wouldn't be able to do ANYTHING.

Well enough whoa is me :o). Samuel stayed at his Aunt Terri's last night and when I talked to her he apparently decided he is NOT a baby anymore and would not sleep in his pack and play. I was afraid of that since he has been in his big boy bed for quite awhile. So he slept on the couch. I can't wait to see him this afternoon! I may even go with Dave to pick him up...woo hoo!

Well I hit my time limit of being up. Need to go back to bed or the couch!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Work In Progress

My sister took Samuel for the night so Dave could get a break from being Mom & Dad. But on his "break" he is being Mr. Handy Man. I must say, I am pretty lucky to have him.
This morning Dave told Samuel to give him the remote because Mommy doesn't know how to use it. Samuel replied "I know" and brought it to him.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Bed Rest. I am far from happy at the latest development. I know this is what is best for the baby after all he needs to stay cooking a little longer but I must say this is a bit of an emotional challenge for his mom. The doctor wanted to take me off work for 5 weeks and then let me go back at 36 weeks, but I talked her into re-evaluating me in 1 week. I know it is far fetched but who knows maybe I will luck out. Part time?????

Oh well, any good ideas on what to do all day??

Oh What A Night

I was just informed it was a full moon last night..which explains a lot. After all when I went into labor with Samuel early it was a full moon too!

We had an interesting day, which started with my back killing me! I blamed the frickin' bowling ball that I am carrying around in my stomach but guess it was more than that. But I went to work and came home and did that Mom stuff. By about 7:00 I decided that it may not be a good thing that my bowling ball kept tightening up and called the nurse. They said to go to the hospital sounded like pre-term labor. I was of course hoping that for once I could have been overreacting and that the monitor would say no contractions. But it didn't, in fact it showed contractions every 2 minutes (whoops). They were able to give me medicine to stop them and our little man did not appear in distress the entire time. Our other little man Samuel on the other hand was a bit freaked out, so I was happy when I found someone to come meet Dave at home and watch Samuel. We had to bring him to the hospital and it wasn't a place for him. He left just in time to miss all the needles I got poked with. I don't do well with needles. But the good thing is that he has now been there and seen his Mommy hooked up to monitors. Hopefully that will help when it is the real thing and he gets to come meet his brother.

We don't know what caused the contractions but all my tests looked normal. I am going to the doctor today and should know more. But I decided to stay home and rest today....and of course blog.

Monday, February 18, 2008


I think my friend Starla scored some major points with the box of stickers! Watch out Grandparents I am sure your pictures will be in the mail soon.

They Warned Me...

That Samuel could revert..but I thought it was after the baby got here.

Actually the return of the infant tub is due to the fact that the only bathtub is in the bathroom that is under construction.

We tried a shower but he freaked out!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Happy Go Lucky


I am looking forward to the arrival of #2. Samuel doesn't like to cuddle with me anymore! He is busy from the moment he wakes up to the moment he falls asleep. I am lucky to get hugs half the time.

I need cuddle time.


Well, it started as replacing the seal around the toilet in our second bathroom. And an hour later....

- A portion of the wall behind the toilet is gone
- Toilet is gone
- Bathroom floor is almost gone

Apparently we have had a leaking toilet for sometime now. I wanted a bathroom remodel but when we had the money was more on lines of my way of thinking.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

I had anticipated on posting a really cute picture of Samuel in his Valentine's Day shirt today..but Samuel decided that today was not a good day for pictures and would not cheese for the camera. I know the pictures are blurry, but I wanted to show you my hard effort :o)

So what you see is what I could get!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Isn't this so sweet?

I was lucky enough to get to go to work today! I know, I know I love my job. All this overtime I have been doing and coming home to a toddler that is experimenting with temper tantrums; all while 7 1/2 months pregnant is grrrrrreat! No complaints here.

So while I was at work Dave and Samuel got to spend some quality time. It started at BBD II (my FAVORITE place to go out for breakfast) and ended as shown above. Jerks.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Ladies Man

Samuel has a new nickname at school "Ladies Man". Apparently he is already girl crazy. His teacher and I had a conversation yesterday about how has to give all the girls kisses when they leave. In fact he gave one girl a kiss on her butt as we left because she was leaning in the toy box when he went to say bye. When I say you need to kiss girls butts, I don't mean it literally.

This afternoon he and two girls were the last ones there and I guess Samuel spent his time giving them each kisses back and forth (he denied his teacher one when she asked). She was also sure to explain to him that when they are older that would not go over very well. As we were leaving he stopped and gave one of the little girls a kiss....ON THE LIPS! She was a blonde if you wondered, the other girl was a brunette.

Well, at least we aren't getting anymore bite reports.

I Still Got It

Today at lunch this fine (homeless) gentleman, with about 3 teeth said this to me:

"Oh dammmmmn girl (as he took a second look), some fool got you pregnant....what a waste"

Dave better be careful, because I still got it.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

No, It Isn't Christmas

Samuel went 24 hours with no fever...that is the requirement to go back to school. He was probably ready to go back today. We tried to keep him in yesterday but today he was not having it. He kept bringing me his jacket (and Santa hat???) trying to take me outside. I finally let him go out and it was all over, it was a beautiful day and Samuel wanted to enjoy it. So he spent most of the day out there with his Dad mostly.

His breathing sounds much better today which is good. We have been doing breathing treatments every 3 hours...faithfully. Although, I can't take credit Dave really has been doing them. Apparently when the alarm went off during the night I would tell him I would do the treatment in a "couple minutes", good thing he didn't wait for me to get up. I am just preparing him for April when he has to do late night feedings again. Or will it be April? I already thought I was having contractions this week :o). I wasn't, that we know of . They did a stress test and didn't see any contractions. My doctor told me next time that happens to go straight to labor and delivery because of Samuel being early. Does she not realize I can't just go to the hospital?? I have a friend who offered to come over to take care of Samuel when I go into labor and I can't have too many false alarms or when the real thing comes she will take her time. I was quite proud of myself with Samuel, the only time I went to the hospital was when I was IN labor.

How did I go from a Samuel update to my "contractions"?? Oh yes, his breathing is much better. They were pretty worried on Friday night at the doctor because he was wheezing so bad. How I missed that I don't know. So they did xrays, tested him for RSV and the flu. Based on yesterday's post it was the flu. Who knew the flu wasn't always stomach related? Maybe you did, but we didn't. The only person who got a flu shot this year was Samuel, so Dave and I are waiting for our flu......

Well, I need to go check on my little Samuel. Have a great week!

Saturday, February 02, 2008