Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bed Rest

Can I just say this sucks? Okay, really I am trying to be positive about this after all this will probably be the last time in a lllllllllllllong time that I can to just do nothing. But the thought of doing nothing for the next 4 weeks (32 weeks today woo hoo) is just kind of terrifying.

On the contraction front I haven't had any consistent ones since Thursday night and drinking two bottles of water and taking my medicine stopped them. But those contractions put me on restriction from even going to daycare to pick Samuel up. I am sure all you Mom's out there can sympathize when someone tells you you can't do your normal Mom duties you can't help but feel helpless.

Dave is being WONDERFUL through all this. After all he has to leave work earlier and come home and do his part and my part of nightly duties on top of that make sure I am okay.

I know this is best for the baby, after all it is being home in bed or on the couch everyday or going to the hospital to visit him in the NICU everyday. This is the better option. Oh or them putting ME in the hospital for the next 3 weeks and then I wouldn't be able to do ANYTHING.

Well enough whoa is me :o). Samuel stayed at his Aunt Terri's last night and when I talked to her he apparently decided he is NOT a baby anymore and would not sleep in his pack and play. I was afraid of that since he has been in his big boy bed for quite awhile. So he slept on the couch. I can't wait to see him this afternoon! I may even go with Dave to pick him up...woo hoo!

Well I hit my time limit of being up. Need to go back to bed or the couch!


rachella said...

If you need me to go grocery shopping or something for ya, let me know. Also I can watch Sam sometime too if Dave has to do something. Just let me know.

Elizabeth said...

I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. Good heavens! Have you read the book Bed Rest by Sarah Bilston - it's pretty funny!