Monday, May 26, 2008

Heading Back

Tomorrow I go back to work. I can honestly say that I am okay with it. I am not thrilled, but okay. I can't believe how fast this went by. Cooper is 8 weeks old already. When I went back to work when I had Samuel I had a rough time! I was literally sick over it and that wasn't a place I was willing to go back to this time. But I am happy to say, I didn't. I know that the choice for me personally to be a working Mom is the right choice. I feel I am a better Mom this way. But I have no idea what it will be like be a working Mom of two. Will I still think it is the right choice? That means that in the short time I have after work before bed I will have to divide my attention between two boys. I worry about being able to keep the house clean, making dinners, keeping up with laundry, and even finding time to blog.

On top of all that I need time with Dave and alone time for me. I am sure it will take some adjusting.

But the best part of all, if I don't like it I can quit.

Wish me luck!


rachella said...

So how did your first day and second day go?

Elizabeth said...

Let me help you prioritize (hee-hee!):
1. finding time to blog
. . .

100. keep the house clean
101. making dinners
102. keeping up with laundry