Thursday, August 31, 2006

New Discovery

I am so excited! Samuel has started smiling at me. And I noticed that he has the cutest little dimples.

The smiles are pretty random right now. Stay tuned for a picture. I have the camera on stand-by.

Oh the things that make me happy.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mommy Needs A Nap

I can't take naps. And I blame it on that darn crib and baby monitor. Samuel doesn't like it and honestly Mommy doesn't either. I don't think he is ever going to be ready to sleep in there at night! So much for my goal of 6 weeks!

Here is a brief description of Mommy trying to take a nap. Samuel eats his bottle and falls asleep after a good burp (sounds like a sailor to me, such a big sound for a little guy). Anyhow, he falls asleep and I put him in his crib turn on the monitor and retreat to my own bed. Here is what happen when I lay down and close my eyes:

Grunt...uh oh need to check on Samuel
Cough he choking, need to check
Deep breathe...need to check again I really need to go check

And Dave wonders why I am so tired????

Uh oh, I think I heard something. Gotta go check on Samuel.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Look Dad I Am Ready For Game Day!

We had to make sure the shirt fit for game day.
4 Days Left...Dave can't WAIT!

Go Huskers!

Working On Neck Muscles!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Who Does Samuel Look Like??

We got a new toy today!! A scanner. So I scanned Dave's baby picture and mine. Here are the 3 of us! Dave's is the black and white one...they didn't have color photographs back when he was born! Ha Ha!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I Am Going Back To Work..

Okay, so maybe it was only an option in my head that I wasn' t going back to work. But good news! Samuel now eats the super expensive formula with cereal mixed in and (knock on wood) he really seems to be getting better. He doesn't even need to wear a bib when we feed him! The stuff is so thick it can't even run all over his face and clothes. Also, the thickness helps with spittin up. Dave said the once 4 ounce bottle now weighs 2 pounds from all the cereal.

The downside, I have to go back to work and Dave needs to get a second job so that we can pay for the super expensive formula :o). But anything for our little Samuel! He just has expensive taste like his Mom...he probably isn't even allergic to soy, it just was good enough for him. HA HA HA.

Look no pictures!! He hasn't changed much since yeseterday.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Party Was At Sam's "Crib" Last Night

Mom: Wow some dream. You were all tucked in a few hours ago...are you ready to get up my sweet little boy?

Samuel: Grunt Grunt (see finger)

Must take after his Mom! Not a morning person!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Even though Samuel can't lay flat after eating he can still play on his activity mat. We just rigged it a little bit. He has been pretty occupied by this different view. Everything is a little closer and he can reach the toys better.

I have even heard a few "coos" which don't sound like "coos", but I am sure that is the sound everyone is talking about when they say "coos".

The not laying flat and new formula (which we priced last night YIKES) seem to be helping Samuel. He isn't 100% better, but he is getting there. Which makes me happy and him!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Well Samuel is 6 weeks old today. I can't believe it. It is getting fun! Samuel can fit in his 0-3 month clothes now so we have more options than just onesies for him to wear. Yesterday I SWEAR he smiled when I kissed him. My Mom saw it too, so I am not making it up. He hasn't done it since...But I have to remember that even though is 6 weeks old, since he was a little early he may not be where every 6 weeker is. I mean he can only get to "H" in the alphabet. I can also tell his cries apart now. I know hunry, wet, tired and gas.

Samuel has been gassy and not happy for a few days now. Yesterday he even decided he only needed to eat half of his bottle. Being the first time Mom I am I took him to the doctor. So anyhow it is either reflux or he may even be allergic to soy! Great. So now I am trying this super expensive formula for a few days to see if it helps. Sercertly I am hoping it isn't the allergy thing. But I don't want it to be reflux either. He sleeps sitting up now to help with that. But thankfully it is nothing serious and additionally he gained a pound. He is now 8 pounds 9 ounces!

I think the last 6 weeks caught up on us though. We need sleep!!! I am so tired I forgot to take pictures of him Monday and Tuesday! Oh and I forgot his diaper bag when we went to visit my sister. That cost us $50.00! We had to go buy formula and diapers. Well they will get put to use.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ummm...Mom I Think These Go On My Feet????

My Mom & Dad asked me last night what I was going to do when I can't take pictures of Samuel all the time.

After I faught back the tears because I had visions of going back to work and Samuel going to Koala Care in my heard, I thought I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think Koala Care will find it weird if I ask them to take pictures of Samuel hourly?

I confess, I do take a lot of pictures of my little Samuel. But I can't help it, I am addicted!!! I am a proud Mommy! Oh and Daddy is just as bad!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Too Much Fun!

Air & Space Museum

Today we visited the Tulsa Air and Space Museum with Grandma, Grandpa, Ricky, Justin & Aaron.

Samuel did not like the Planetarium show so we had to sit in the lobby and wait for the others. Good thing I had my camera! Here is a picture of him hanging out in the lobby. Where was this happy baby during the show??

Astronaut Sam

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I Love My Aunt Terri & Cousin Justin

As you can tell, I took a lot of pictures this weekend. This was too cute not to share!


We had a few milestones this week. Samuel has started napping in his crib! Although as you can see when I went to check on him he wasn't exactly napping. But he was happy. Just getting ready for the big transition of moving out of Mommy & Daddy's room. Which will probably be easier on Samuel then it will be on Mommy!

We also followed doctors orders and added more to the bottle. Samuel went 4 hours between feedings Monday & Tuesday night! He still wants to eat every 3 hours during the day, but heck that isn't when I need sleep!

I have officially decided that being a Mom is my calling in life and it wasn't kareoke like I thought. I love it so much. Samuel is such a good baby. We have so much fun spending time together during the day and each day it only gets better. I can't believe it is going so fast. I only have 6 weeks left before going back to work! OH NO!

Diana's Visit

Just a few pictures from Diana's visit. We had so much fun. Samuel loved her-I caught him smiling at her a few times. We were sad to take her to the airport today. Dave will miss the home cooked meals!

Monday, August 14, 2006

7 lbs 9 oz

Samuel went to the doctor today and weighed 7 lbs 9 oz-he has almost gained 2 pounds! The doctor said we now only have to go for his regular check ups! That was pretty exciting.

Samuel has been trying to eat every 2-3 hours, so the doctor suggested more in the bottle! We are putting almost 5 oz now. Samuel ate 4.5 oz today! Hopefully we will get to sleep for 3-4 hours now.

In other news. My friend Diana has been here visiting from California. I think I may have gained 2 pounds too (but it didn't take me 5 weeks like it did Samuel) because she has been cooking a lot of good Mexican food for us! It has been nice having her here. We went to the movies and I left Samuel at home with Dad. That was my first time leaving him! I think I did okay. But today we went pedicures and I did bring Samuel. Dave was not happy that his son went to the nail salon :o).

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hey Everyone I Am A Month Old!

Happy One Month Little Man-Mommy & Daddy Love YOU!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Caleb & Samuel

They were dancing to Jesse's Girl. It was one of their Mom's favorite tunes to dance to also. Caleb is mid verse..."And she's watching him with those eyes...". They had a lot of fun playing today.

Samuel Prefers "Back Time" Over "Tummy Time"

This Pic Was At 6:52 AM-Samuel Was Exactly 4 Weeks Old

I can't believe Samuel has been in this world for 4 weeks. He wasn't even due until next Tuesday! I am sure glad he is here (and healthy) I am not very patient so I can imagine I would be pretty restless at this point. I am sure I would of been to the hospital with false labor at least 5 times with in the next week.

Saturday is his 1 month birthday! Which reminds me-I need to confirm the clown and pony for his big party :o). We decided against the jupiter jump-figured we would wait for his 2 month party for that.

Monday, August 07, 2006

This Is So Fun!

Oh the progress Samuel has made. He loves the music and lights on his activity mat. He had so much fun we didn't even care it was after bed time. Samuel thinks bedtime is 11:00 PM we think it is 9:00 PM.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Never Leave Home Without The Camera

While at our "first" dinner out, I had to change Samuel's diaper. Samuel is such a laid back baby and I felt this picture represented that. I put him down and he laid there like alright get it over with it.

Let me add that I thought Samuel had a "dirty" diaper which is why I was brave enough to use the diaper changing station (that I always wonder do people use those) and was surprised to find clean diaper. Hmmmm...must of let out a little toot. Takes after his Dad :o).

Friday, August 04, 2006

Bath Time!

Samuel lost his cord about 2 weeks ago, but tonight was the first night we were brave enough to give him a real bath. And he loved it! I guess it beats a sponge bath.

Today was a day of "firsts":
  • We survived our first night alone...Dave was out of town for work. Samuel slept more than I did!
  • Samuel went to Blue Cross Blue Shield to meet Mom's coworkers. And they had a baby shower to welcome Samuel.
  • First time out to dinner with Mom and Dad
  • First "real" bath
I don't know who is more tired Samuel or Mommy! Good thing Dad is getting up with him tonight :o).

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sweet Sleeping Baby!

Getting Ready For Football Season

You can't see what they are looking at-but Dave has Samuel watching the Tunnel Walk on the computer.

Dave can't wait for footbal season! I think game time will be the perfect time for Dad and Son to bond and mom to shop :o).