Sunday, January 14, 2007


Ok, I need to stop eating cupcakes. As I clock hour number 19 on the internet this weekend it hit me. Spring clothes! And after I had Samuel in one of my post pregnancy body fits I got rid of ALL my spring/summer clothes. Yes, now they would of probably fit, but the day I tried them on they didn't and I got rid of them. It made complete sense at the time, as I cried becasue I would never be cute and tan again. Dave just shook his head and made sure he got a receipt at goodwill for tax purposes.

I have also realized that after size 9 months Samuel has no clothes. I guess it is time to start stocking up. I haven't really needed to buy any clothes since Samuel was born (though I did BUY clothes).

Dave won't let me get Samuel a shirt that says "I Love Mommy", ok I know it is so obvious he doesn't need a shirt that says it.

I have 30 minutes to order CABLEFLEX personal gym. I will get a free CABLEFLEX bag! Spring clothes here I come. I was so suppose to watch this infomercial. It is a sign!

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